
What good is a WordPress website if it doesn't have a few of the best WordPress plugins installed?
WordPress users have access to tens of thousands of plugins. There are so many that it's difficult to tell which ones are successful and which are overhyped. Many have niche solutions, but only a few are genuinely essential WordPress plugins for all pages.
There are some plugins that you'll want to add regardless of the type of site you're running or the niche to which it belongs. And those are the resources we'll talk about today, All plugins in our list are rated 5/5 stars and get more than 10k sales.
1.WPNotif: WordPress SMS & WhatsApp Message Notifications
Wpnotif allows you to send SMS or WhatsApp messages to your customers directly from your WordPress account. The plugin is also WooCommerce-compatible, allowing you to set up automatic notification triggers for your customers if they place a new order or the status of an existing order change. Site administrators, such as store managers, writers, and others, may also send themselves messages or WhatsApp updates.
Price: $27
2. Digits : WordPress Mobile Number Signup and Login
Digits allow users to sign up for your website using just their phone number. There will be no more email searching. Simply send a text message In today's fast-paced world, no one has time to sign up for an account on your website using traditional email because it requires the user to log into his or her email account, open the email, click the verification link to validate the email, and then gain access to the account on your website. Then there are the passwords; even though he succeeds in doing so, the password is the most important thing to recall in order to gain access to the account. If the user forgets it again, he or she will have to go through the same pain as when signing up.
Price: 29$
3. WooCommerce Page Builder
Do you want to be noticed? Do you want to break the rules? Why not configure the Woo Commerce product display's UIUX in several ways? With WooCommerce Page Builder, creating a fresh and exclusive WooCommerce store is EASY PEASY.
Stand out from the crowd by creating your own shopping experience without having to touch a line of code. It's impossible to overestimate how easy it is to use the Drag & Drop Visual Composer. Woo Commerce Page Builder is a dream come true for inventive, imaginative digital publishers who want to enhance the online shopping experience with custom slideshows, video, and other engaging multimedia.
Price : 49$ - 34$
4. Emage - Image Hover Effects for Elementor
Emage is an Elementor addon that allows you to showcase your content with beautiful hover effects. It is unlike other related addons in that it does not have a small range of effects and choices. There are over 150 different hover effects that can be added to the image, overlay, and content separately, allowing for even more combinations. Your content can be built to your liking using intuitive choices.
The hover effects are taken a step further and added to dynamic post grids with Emage Post Grid, which is included as a separate addon. With this addon and Elementor columns, you can easily build magazine-style post grids for your site with eye-catching hover effects. The post title, post info, author, comments, extract, and category tags can all be displayed using the addon. The photos are automatically matched in height to make them look even better.
Price: 16$
5. Fancy Product Designer Add-On | WooCommerce WordPress
You and your customers will be able to design and customize every product with the Fancy Product Designer. It gives you complete independence in determining which products and parts of products can be personalized, limited only by your imagination. The Fancy Product Designer's functions, features, and user interface were created to bring anything you could need to build every form of product into one single plugin.
Price: 69$
6.Customize Post Categories For WPBakery Page Builder
- Have you ever felt uneasy about your site's post category page?
- Do your post category pages resemble those on other websites?
- You've come to the right place if the default templates for post categories or the latest theme aren't assisting you in customizing post category pages.
With the Customize Post Categories For WPBakery Page Builder (formerly Visual Composer) plugin, you can easily customize your post category page to your style by dragging and dropping the interface without having to write any code.
Price: 29$
7. Quform - WordPress Form Builder
Quform is a powerful WordPress plugin that lets you create multiple forms quickly and easily while maintaining complete control. Quform will allow you to create a complex quote or booking form, as well as a simple contact form, without touching any code. You'll have a completely functioning type in just a few taps. That's what there is to it.
Drag-and-drop and one-click features make using the form builder easy, and it's compatible with all major browsers. There are choices and settings for both novice and experienced users. There are way too many to list here, but here are a few of our favorites:
Price: 29$
8. FormCraft - Premium WordPress Form Builder
FormCraft is the most complete, flexible & customizable Drag & Drop Form Builder tool for WordPress on the market.
FormCraft is simple to use, thanks to its drag-and-drop editing style. With a simple GUI to deal with behind the scenes, you can simply drag and drop the item you need from the menu into the type you've selected. All is WYSIWYG, so you can drag and drop it wherever you want. It's a boom! The shape was formed. Creating complex, amazing forms is ridiculously easy.
Price: 36$
9. Slider Revolution Responsive WordPress Plugin
Beginner and mid-level designers may use this WordPress plugin to wow their clients with pro-level visuals. Not only will you be able to make awesome, sensitive sliders, but you'll also be able to create everything you can think of:
- Sliders and carousels are stunning visual features.
- Hero parts that catch the eye and stand out
- Websites that could win you prizes in their entirety
- Visitors are glued to the screen by full web pages.
- Your clients will adore the rich and diverse content you have.
Price: 85$
10. UberMenu - WordPress Mega Menu Plugin
UberMenuTM is a sensitive Mega Menu WordPress plugin that is user-friendly and highly customizable. It integrates with the WordPress 3 Menu System right out of the box, making it easy to get started while still allowing you to build highly personalized and innovative mega menu configurations.
- Fully Responsive
- Mega or Flyout Submenus
- Compatible with Mobile devices, including iPhone, iPad, and Android
- Touch-enabled
- Build advanced submenu layouts with the built-in column grid system
Price: 25$
That's all guys for this post, we have listed the top 10 best-selling WordPress Add-on in 2021, hope you enjoy it, see you in another post.